Curriculum Vitae 2019/20
Name: Maarouf Ibrahim Mohammed Eltayeb
Address: P.O.Box30,
Shambat Research Station, Khartoum North. SUDAN. Fax +249 85 310813
Born August
15, 1952. Married with children
Education: B.Sc.
Agricultural Science (Genetics) 1978 U. of Alex. M.Sc. (1988) & Ph.D.
(2005) Agric. Science (Plant breeding & Genetics). U. of Khartoum.
Arabic: mother tongue, English: working language (speaking writing &
knowledge and statistical skills: Good
command of the statistical packages: AGROBASE Gen II (2008), GenStat Release
10.3DE ; SAS for windows and MSTATC
Professional Experience
Feb 2015 – Oct. 2017
Plant breeder (Forage crops).
Re-employed in the Agricultural
Research Corporation (ARC), Shambat Research Station. Forage
& Pasture Research Program. Khartoum North. SUDAN. Developing of dual fodder/grain varieties, sweet
sorghum genotypes for ethanol production. Developing of Quinoa varieties
adapted to Sudan conditions, introduction of maize hybrids
Sept.2014- Nov. 2015
National Consultant. Quinoa Production & Research, FAO-Khartoum,
Sudan. TCP/RAB/3403.
Introduction of Quinoa crop to Sudan. Forage breeder:
working on Sorghum and Maize. SUDAN
August 2012 – Feb 2015
Free-lance Establishing
Sudanese Research Centre for Agricultural Development (SUDARCAD) Khartoum.
National Coordinator, Forage & Range Research
Program. (ARC).
Sudan. Head, Forage and Range Research
Council, Sudan Academy of Science (SAS) / Agricultural Research Council.
Plant Breeder. Shambat Research Station. Developing improved types of dual
sorghum (grain /forage) types. Sudan, introduction of Alfalfa, Rhodes grass and
maize hybrids.
Plant breeder (Forage crops).
Shambat Research Station. Khartoum, SUDAN. Conducting pioneer breeding work to
develop: male sterile genetic stocks forage sorghum hybrids, improved open
pollinated sorghum dual grain /forage types, introduction and testing of exotic
Alfalfa and Rhodes grass cultivars.
Deputed for one year- assignment to Technology
Transfer and Extension Administration (TTEA). Federal Ministry of Agriculture &
Forestry. Khartoum. Sudan
Agronomist &Plant breeder.
Head and founder of Dongola Research Station (DRS), Northern State,
SUDAN. Coordinator of IFAD-Research Component, Nile & Northern States
Rehabilitation Project. Implementing breeding and agronomic work on wheat, faba
bean, lentils, sunflower, maize and sorghum in the frame work of IFAD and
ICARDA Projects.
Field Coordinator (1988-89),
Sudanese German Project for Vegetables and Fruits Production, (GTZ project)
Khartoum State. FAO Experimental Fertilizer Program (1981-85) Khartoum
State. - Agric Inspector. Southern Darfur State, Jebel Marra, Zalingi
Ongoing-research projects:
sorghum varieties for concurrent fodder/grain/ethanol production (2010-2021)
Optimizing maize-silage
production in the Sudan (2018-2021)
of Quinoa production in the Sudan (2015-2021)
of Panicum maximum to Sudan (2020-2022)
Some research achievements
workshops, conferences & seminars
§ International Quinoa Conference
in Dubai from Dec 6-8, 2016 in Dubai. Presented the Country paper on Quinoa
introduction to Sudan. Funded by ICBA
§ Wrap up Workshop, FAO Regional Quinoa Project
TCP/RAB/3403. Beirut, c. Funded by FAO Quinoa Project TCP/RAB/3403
§ National Institute of Agricultural Innovations
(Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria : INIA). Lima, 23-29 Dec. 2014.
Visiting Quinoa Research Program, Touring Quinoa research activities in
Arequipa. Visiting INIA’s Research Station in Santa Rita. Visit to quinoa
fields of LaMolina University. Visit to International Potato Center (CIP). FAO
Quinoa Project TCP/RAB/3403
§ Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization.
Karaj. 14-16 October 2014. Attending FAO Regional Quinoa awareness and planning
workshop. Funded by FAO Project TCP/RAB/3403 – Technical assistance for the
introduction of Quinoa and appropriation / institutionalization of its
§ Bibliotheca Alexandrina, attending the fifth biennial BioVisionAlexandria
2010 Conference (BVA 2010) and the First Preparatory Meeting for the Arab
Encyclopedia of Life (AEOL) project. Alexandria, 12 to 16 April 2010.
§ ICRISAT, (International Crop Research
Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics), 4-28 Jan. 1997, Hyderabad. Scientific visit,
Sorghum Improvement Program, sponsored by IFAD.
§ ICARDA (International Centre for Agric
Research in Dry Areas). 13/5-12/6 1991, Aleppo. Scientific visit to FLIP (Food
Legumes Research Program). NVRP sponsored.
§ ACSAD, (Arab Centre for Studies of Arid
Zones and Dry Lands), 18 March - 4 April 1995, Damascus. Scientific visit to
Wheat Improvement Program. IFAD funded.
§ ILCA, (International Livestock Centre
for Africa), Ethiopia. 21-29 July 1993, Addis Ababa. Scientific writing and
seminar presentation. ICARDA ILCA sponsored.
§ EICA, (Egypt International Centre for
Agriculture). Egypt 5-30 August 1992, Cairo. Scientific visit to Giza Agric.
Research Centre. IFAD funded.
§ NVRP/ICARDA Traveling Workshop,
Ethiopia. 18-24 Oct. 1991. Ethiopia. Touring research activities of the
NVRP/ICARDA Program. NVRP funded
§ GTZ Egyptian Project. Egypt 10-24/3
1990, Egypt. Study tour, GTZ funded
§ FAI (Fertilizer Association of India)
India 15/3-10/4 1982, New Delhi. Attending the 26th FAI Seminar on Fertilizer
Promotion. Touring the FAI activities. FAO sponsored
§ AOAD, Arab Symposium on Agric.
Development, Algeria. 1-3 Dec. 1997, Algeria. Sponsored by the Arab
Organization for Agricultural Development
of Professional Committees
Member, Team of experts in sorghum production and its
industrial processing. El Hawad Valley Project for integrated Development. Sorghum
expert (2019 - )
Member, Team of experts for preparing Concept Note on
animal wealth component of El Hawad Valley Project for integrated Development.
Forage expert (2019 - ).
Member, Technical committee for reviewing bylaws of
the National Act for Seed and Cultivar Protection. National Seed
Administration, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Khartoum. (2012- 14)
Scientific Committee of the Arab Encyclopedia of Life (AEOL) Egypt (2010-2012)
Member of
Alfalfa and Maize Seed Production Committee. Ministry of Agriculture, Khartoum
State. Sudan. (2007 - 08)
representative, Central Coordination Committee (C.C.C.) of the Northern State
Agricultural Rehabilitation Project. Ministry of Federal Agriculture. Khartoum.
Administration Council, Faculty of Agriculture Dongola University, (1994-1996)
Selected publications
Wrote a book: Forage Sorghum Hybrids:
Breeding Prospective in the Sudan: Part I. Paperback 104 pages (Eng). Lambert Academic Publishing (2010).
published in refereed journals:
Mohammed, Maarouf I. and Salma I. Abdalbagi (2018)
Concurrent Improvement of Stem Sugar, Stover and Grain Yield in Sudanese and
Exotic Sorghums II: Heritability, Genetic Advance and Association Studies.
17(3): 1-8. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology.
Mohammed, Maarouf I. and Zakaria, Zeinab A (2014). Quality
attributes in Sudanese sorghums improved for forage yield. American Journal of
Experimental Agriculture. 4: 171-182
Mohammed, Maarouf I. (2010). New Sudangrass forage cultivars selected from
the original population (Sorghum sudanense var. Garawi). African Journal
of Range and Forage Science. 27: 51-55.
Mohammed, Maarouf I. (2009). Line x tester analysis across locations and
years in Sudanese x exotic lines of forage sorghum. Journal of Plant Breeding
and Crop Science 1: 311-319.
Mohammed, Maarouf I and Nuha H. Talib (2008). Heterosis and combining
ability for quality traits in forage sorghum. Australian Journal of Basic and
Applied Sciences. 2: 99-104.
6. Mohammed, Maarouf I., Gamal E.
Khalifa Ghada H. Abdulrahman and Mohammed I. Elmahi (2008). Improvement of the
traditional forage sorghum cultivar ‘Abu Sab’in’ . Sudan J. Agric. Res. 11:
Mohammed, Maarouf I. (2007). Potential of locally developed forage sorghum
hybrids in the Sudan. Scientific Research and Essay Vol. 2: 330-337.
Mohammed, Maarouf I. (2004). Development of male sterile
forage sorghum genetic stocks in A3 cytoplasm. Sudan J. Agric. Res. 4: 89-92
Mohammed, Maarouf I and Mohamed, Moataz A. (2009). Evaluation of newly
developed sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genotypes for some forage
attributes. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 6: 434-440
Mohammed, Maarouf I. (2009). Genotype x environment interaction in bread
wheat in Northern Sudan using AMMI analysis. American-Eurasian J. Agric.
& Environ. Sci., 6 (4): 427-433
Mohammed, S. H. and Maarouf I. Mohammed (2020).
Yield Stability in Forage Maize Across Selected Test-Environments. The Global
Journal of Science Frontier Research, 20: 1-8.
Hussein H. A. M, Dagash Y. M. I and Maarouf I.
Mohammed (2019). Effect of Nitrogen and Variety on Agronomic Performance of
Rhodes Grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) in the Sudan. The Global Journal of Science
Frontier Research, 19 : 19-26.
Hussein H. A. M, Dagash Y. M. I and Maarouf I.
Mohammed (2019). Effect of Nitrogen and Variety on Quality Performance of
Rhodes Grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) in the Sudan. The Global Journal of Science
Frontier Research, 19 : 33-39.
Mohammed, S. H. and M. I. Mohammed (2019).
Impact of Abiotic Stress on Quality Traits of Maize Forage at Two Growth
Stages. Journal of Horticulture and Plant Research, 7: 60-68.
Mohammed, S. H. and M. I. Mohammed (2019).
Effect of Abiotic Stress on Irrigated Maize Forage Yield as Compared to
Sorghum. Journal of Horticulture and Plant Research, 6: 27-36.
Abdalbagi, Salma I, and Mohammed, Maarouf I (2018)
Concurrent Improvement of Stem Sugar, Stover and Grain Yield in Sudanese and
Exotic Sorghums I: Identification of Materials. 17(3): 1-8. Journal of Advances
in Biology & Biotechnology.
Suad A. Hassan and Mohammed, Maarouf I. (2015). Breeding for dual fodder/ grain
attributes in sorghum: Identification of materials and associations among
fodder and grain yield and related traits. 7: 94-100. Journal of Plant Breeding
and Crop Science
Suad, A. Hassan and Mohammed,
Maarouf I. (2015). Breeding for dual
fodder/ grain attributes in sorghum: Effect of harvest option and genotype on
fodder and grain yields. 7: 101-106.
Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science
Rashieda A. Mohammed, Mohammed, Maarouf I. and
Ahmed A. Osman (2012). Evaluation of new locally developed forage sorghum
hybrids. Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences (JAVS No.1. 66-77)
Siraj A. Channa, Hongyun Tian, Maarouf I. Mohammed,
Ruijie Zhang, Shah Faisal, Yuan Guo, Miroslav Klima, Michael Stamm and Shengwu
Hu (2018). Heterosis and combining ability analysis in Chinese semi-winter x
exotic accessions of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Euphytica (2018)
Gamal E. Khalifa, Ali E. Eljack, Mohammed, Maarouf
I., Osman M. Elamin and Elsadig S. Mohamed (2013). Yield stability in
common bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the Sudan. Journal of plant
breeding and crop science. Vol. 5 : 203-208.
Awadalla A.
Abdelmula, Mohammed I. Ahmed, Mohammed, Maarouf I and Seifeldin Gasim (2014). Combining
Abilities and Heterosis for Yield and Quality Traits in Forage Sorghum [Sorghum
bicolor (L.) Moench]. Tropentag, 17-19.
Didier Bazile, Cataldo
Pulvento, Alexis Verniau, Mohammad S. Al-Nusairi, Djibi Ba, Joelle Breidy,
Layth Hassan, Maarouf I. Mohammed, Omurbek Mambetov, Munira Otambekova,
Niaz Ali Sepahvand, Amr Shams, Djamel Souici, Khaled Miri and Stefano Padulosi
(2016) Worldwide Evaluations of Quinoa: Preliminary Results from Post
International Year of Quinoa FAO Projects in Nine Countries. Front. Plant Sci.
7:850. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00850
Sheikh Mohamed, A. I., Mohamed J. E. and Mohammed,
Maarouf I (1998). Evaluation of Bread-Wheat genotypes under semi-arid
tropical conditions of Northern Sudan. Rachis 17 (1&2)
Bibi, A., Sadaqat, H. A., Akram, H. M. and Maarouf
Ibrahim Mohammed (2010) Physiological markers for screening sorghum (Sorghum
bicolor L. Moench) germplasm under water stress conditions. International
Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 12:451–455
Mohamed, E.S., A. H. Nourai, G.E. Mohamed, M. I. Mohammed., A.T. Ahmed and M. C. Saxena
(1997). Weeds and weed management in irrigated lentil in Northern Sudan. Weed
Research. 37: 211-218
Mohamed, E.S., A.G.T. Babikir, M.E.K. Ali, A.T. Ahmed,
G.E. Mohamed and M. I. Mohamed (2004). Chemical weed control in Faba
bean in Northern Sudan. Sudan J. Agric. Res. 4:27-35
Papers presented in
international & local conferences:
Mohammed, Maarouf I. (2018). Rhodes grass production in the Sudan: Facts
and highlights. A conference paper presented in the Scientific Forum of Rhodes
grass Cultivation in Sudan. Shariga Hall. University of Khartoum.
Maarouf I. Mohammed1 and N. K. Mohamed (2016). Quinoa (Chenopodium
quinoa Willd.) performance under the hot- dry weather of the Sudan.
International Quinoa Conference. Volume: 1/2016. Quinoa for Future Food and
Nutrition Security in Marginal Environments. Dubai, 6-8 December 2016.
Maarouf I. Mohammed and N. K. Mohamed (2015). Performance of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa
Willd.) genotypes under different locations in the Sudan. DOI:
10.13140/RG.2.2.30982.98881 Wrap up Workshop, FAO Regional Quinoa Project
TCP/RAB/3403. Beirut. Lebanon.
Mohammed, I. Maarouf and Eltalib, M. (2015). Improved varieties and
husbandry practices for climate change adaptation in soils of higher terraces
of Northern Sudan. Workshop of Climate Change Adaptation. Ed Damer. Sudan.
Mohammed, Maarouf, I (2010) Sorghum for feed and forage
production. Regional Workshop on Optimum Industrial Utilization of Sorghum in
Sudan. Organized by Industrial Research & Consultancy Centre (IRCC).
18-19 April 2010. Khartoum North. Sudan.
Mohammed, Maarouf I. (2008). Irrigated fodders crops in Khartoum State.
Alternatives and crop diversity. A paper presented in the Rhodes Grass Forum
(in Arabic). Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Wealth. Khartoum State.
Khartoum. Sudan.
Mohammed, Maarouf I. (1997). Agricultural extension in the Sudan:
The present situation and its role in enhancement of agricultural development
(in Arabic). Country paper. Arabic Symposium on Agricultural Extension
and its Role in Development. AOAD. Algeria.
8. Mohamed, E.S.
and Maarouf I. Mohammed. (1994). Chemical weed control in lentil in
Sudan. International Symposium on Pulses Research. P3. 4-6. New Delhi.
Technical Studies
1. Technical study on grain-for food-sorghum varieties. Presented
to Sayga (DAL-group) Feb. 2019. Khartoum North.
2. Technical feasibility study on forage production in
the River Nile State. Presented to the Arab Organization for
Agricultural Development. Khartoum, 2018.
study on forage production for cattle fattening (2015).
Study Presented to Eltyb A. Alhassan (+249123006013, E-mail: and Hyder Abbasher
(Al ategahat Almtadeda Co, Khartoum).
of Introduced Alfalfa cultivar in Wad Ramli and Wawisi Cooperative Schemes.
Team leader of a committee assigned by the Minister of Agriculture of Khartoum
State to investigate the causes behind the failure of the crop. 2008/09
production for export in the Sudan 2011. Feasibility
Study submitted to Alrajih Co. Sudan
of seed productivity in ASCO (Arab-Sudanese Co. for Seed production) in
comparison to national irrigated schemes and neighboring countries.
Contributed as a team member in a committee assigned by the Federal Minister of
Agriculture to review the state of seed production in ASCO. Khartoum, 2009.
Program for food security (SPFS) in Khor Abu Habil, Lower Atbara River, and
West Odurman areas. FAO/Lybia Project. (2000)
Study on Sustainability of El-Nihud Cooperative Credit Project Services (1998)
El-Nihud, Western Kurdofan State.
Supervision of M.Sc. & PhD students
PhD, Raheel Yousif Osman (2019-). Sudan University of
Science & Technology. Fac. of Range & Forestry Sciences. Performance of
Guinea grass [Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq., Simon &
Jacobs) under normal and stressed conditions in the Sudan.
PhD, Hani Ahmad Mustafa (2015-2019) Sudan University of Science &
Technology. College of Agricultural Studies. Performance of Rhodes grass (Chloris
gayana Kunth) cultivars under different nitrogen levels and production
systems in the Sudan
PhD. Sawsan Hasab Albagi Mohammed
(2013-2018). Yield stability in maize genotypes evaluated for forage production
under stressed and non-stressed conditions
PhD. Fisal Suliman Haj Babikir. (2006-10) Sudan U. of
Science & Technology. Fac. of Agricultural Studies. Evaluation of different
types of Rhodes Grass cultivars under Sudan condition
PhD. Suaad AbdulRahman Hassan (2010 -2015
). Sudan U. of Science & Technology & Fac. of Agric. Studies. Breeding
for dual purpose (fodder/grain) sorghum genotypes in Khartoum State.
PhD. Mohamed Ismail
Ahmed. (2007-013 ) U. of Khartoum. Faculty of Agriculture. Heterosis and
Combining Abilities for Growth, Yield and Quality in Some Inbred Lines of
Forage Sorghum
M.Sc. Salma Ibrahim Abd Albagi
(2012-2015). Sudan Academy of Science, Evaluation of Sudanese and exotic
sorghum genotypes for forage, grain and stem-juice attributes
M.Sc. Rashida Abdulla Mohammed (2009 -
012) Sudan University for Science & Technology. Fac. of Agric. Studies.
Evaluation of new local forage sorghum hybrids
M.Sc. Nuha Babikir (2009 -2010). Sudan
University for Science & Technology. Faculty of Agricultural
Studies. Evaluation of introduced Alfalfa cultivars in Khartoum
M.Sc. Muna Abdulla Mohammed (2007-012).
Sudan Academy of Science, Design and statistical analysis of field experiments.
M.Sc. Zienab Adam Zakaria ( 2005-09).
Sudan University for Science & Technology. Fac. of Agric.
Studies. Evaluation of different types of forage sorghums for agronomic
and quality traits.
Teaching Experience
2010- to date : Member (professor) Academic Staff of
Sudan Academy of Science (SAS), Khartoum Sudan, Supervisor M.Sc.
and PhD Students
2010-2012: Head, Forage and Range
Research Council, Sudan Academy of Science (SAS) /
Agricultural Research Council. Khartoum Sudan
2003-2009 : Sudan University for Science & Technology. Faculty of
Agricultural Studies. Division of Crop Production Taught & supervision of
graduate research subject to a number of B.Sc. students. Khartoum, Sudan
1995-96 : Dongola University, Faculty of Agriculture (Ast. Professor) Taught Experimental design and
Statistical analysis. Khartoum, Sudan
Some links to
research program and research studies:
Dr. AbdulMonim Taha Ahmed
General. Agricultural Research Corporation. Khartoum North. P.O.Box 30,
+249918534910. Fax. +249
85 310813
Ali, E. Kambal (Sorghum breeder),
of Agric. Shambat. University of Khartoum. P. O. Box 321. Sudan
: +249 85 318919, Mobile Tel:
Monday, August 9, 2010
Prof. Maarouf CV
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